My heart LITERALLY hurts...something is wrong

Jul 26, 2006 04:02

So...I've been having "chess pains and i cant breef" since seriously no joke I haven't been able to sleep right because I feel like my heart is pumpin too much blood and it makes its hard to breathe i thought it might go away or something and NO I went to the Doctor today and he gave me an EKG and my heartbeat is irregular so he put me on medicine to calm my heart down and now I have to go get 2 more heart tests' done at Thomason tomorrow's a scary thought to think that something might be seriously wrong with me, I've never had to deal with that before and I try not to freak out or cry because it makes it hurt that much more but it's hard to stay calm...I'm bedridden and I can't do anything "stressful" for a couple of days until i know what's no working out, no driving[the meds might make me sleepy]...I feel like such an old "O let's go watch a scary movie!...steph you might want to sit this one out.." or "no sudden movements around steph! her heart might stop!" lol i know it's not a funny thing to kid around about...but humor is my answer to everything.

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