Feb 07, 2009 10:59
So keep on living your life
So keep on living your life
So keep on living your life
So keep on living your life
So keep on living your life
So keep on living your life
So keep on living your life
"I'm proud of my life and the things that I have done. Proud of myself.." Tahira and I were talking about regrets. And whether or not you should, 'cause you always hear the cliche' "No regrets" and well, we've said it too. So we talked a little, and then I thought about it. Thinking about the things that I've done, I'm sure there were things, in the moment, I wish I could have done differently. I don't want to hurt anybody. I don't want to hurt myself. But I know for a fact that my life would be entirely different if I wouldn't have screwed up. I wouldn't know the people I do. I wouldn't have the relationships I have. I would look at like completely different. I'd learn at a different pace. So, I don't think you should regret. I don't think you should feel guilt. Things happen. You obviously made your choices, and what you do about it after the fact will determine what happens next. "I've sang, and I've drank, and I've smoked, and I've screwed through a pretty damn good life" I'll always be the same Lindsey. Adventerous, spontaneous, impulsive, Lindsey. "No" isn't a word I listen to as often as I should. But.. I'm also a lot more g