So basically alot of people have influenced my life
I've decided to make a post dedicated to these people
These arent all of the people
Just the people I have pictures of haha
This is in no real order
So dont take it as being in any real order
Buddha-This kid has been my right hand man since middle school.He's my best friend.Me and him have had the craziest shit happen to us.He's basically my brother.He now lives in London,but thats not stopping us from hanging out.Best friends 'till death,he's my little Buddha Buddy.Your the best,bro.
Jaci-We've had probably the weirdest friendship ever.She's taught me so much,I cant thank her enough.I guess now our friendship might be going one-way,but I'll always consider her one of my best friends.She's probably the only person who I can just sit and do nothing but talk.She's always made my day so much better.Thank you for some of the best times I've ever had,you'll have a spot in my heart forever.
Samantha-This is the best fucking girl paintballer I know.She's always been there for me,and I know she always will be.Man we can tell eachother anything and everything.Even though we always end up gunning at each other at games,its always been nothing but love.You and me will be gunnin' together 'till death,and I wouldnt have it any other way,much love.
Kyle Kyote-Damn bro he's one of the coolest guys I know.We been playing paintball for as long as I can remember.Me and him even drove out close to Austin to play some ball.Rockabilly guy,loves cars,kinda like my other half.Keep on rockin' man,and dont fail outta college,hippie.
Justin-Damn I've known this guy since 4th GRADE.I cant believe that.We've had so much fun together skating and going to shows.This guy is basically what began to mold me into what I am today.I even got to see him and his wonderful wife get married and now I get to know his kids.Love you so much bro,congrats on the young ones,raise em' to be as cool as you.
Brittany and Chanay-Damn I've known these two for only like half a year but their still some of the coolest girls I know.We've had some funny as shit happen to us,and we always manage to just have some good ol' fashioned fun.I wouldnt change it for the world.Much love to you two,and see ya at school.
Bobby-I met this guy when I started reffing at Paintball USA.He's one of the most down to earth,stand up guys I know.He's also one of the best refs in the country.I've been so priveleged to know you on and off the field,youve shown me how to be a true stand-up person.And I cannot thank you enough bro.
Mok-Damn man just like Bobby he's one of the most stand-up guys I know.He's always helping me and others before himself.He's a great example of what paintballers should be,and a great example of who every one should be.Keep the field a great place to be bro,and I'll see ya at the 50.
Heidi-Haha she always fucking cracks me up.Your always goofy as Hell.'Nuff said.You always cheer me up,and its good to have some one to talk to with good music.Much love.
Josh-Haha damn bro he's my rap brother.Him and me can always talk about cars and subs.Art shows and all we always got something to talk about.Keep it real homie.
Trevor-Damn nigga!This boys always up for chillin when no one else wants to.Me and him do the most goofy ass shit,and it's so damn great.I love you niggaaaa.