Sep 24, 2006 21:58
okay. so i guess i should post a summer review.
1.) i turned twenty-one which i guess is the number one factor in my summer being the best i have ever had. i met so many amazing new people, friends, boys, etc. although my funds have decreased substantially, looking back on how awesome my friends and i were, it does not bother me in the least.
2.) so i guess every summer has to have a fling. and, well, ladies and gentlemen, yours truly had four (whaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!) i won't mention names, but a couple were previous encounters, one i fell for, and the other was not, by any means, my type (certainly could not bring him home to mommy and daddy).
1.) if anyone knew who this was, you would probably kill me. only gabby knows and that's because she was with me. no, not like that pervs.
2.) im proud of this one. a true accomplishment.
3.) ugh. i don't want to talk about it. plus, i'm not supposed to. huge disappointment. on his end, not mine.
4.) hrm. this one was a tad bit older than me (catch the sarcasm?), but a gentleman.
and that is my summer as far as that goes.
i'm no longer friends with elaina and melissa. not by my own volition, but rather theirs. which i guess is for the better, at least in the latter case. (see: 3 and 9 of previous post) kind of upset about the first, but there's nothing i can do.
bedtime, ill continue later.