best conversation ever.

Apr 13, 2006 21:14

so i just hooked up my new computer. so i was going through all my old conversations with people. and i hope you enjoy this as much as i did.

okay she said (8:54:22 PM): what are the impacts of the napoleonic, the great war and wwII on europe
Twoweekspassed (8:54:34 PM): easy
Twoweekspassed (8:54:47 PM): well after napoleon got like arrested or whatever they poisoned him with arsenic
Twoweekspassed (8:54:50 PM): (same dude right?)
Twoweekspassed (8:54:54 PM): and no one liked the french
Twoweekspassed (8:55:02 PM): then after the great war no one liked the french
Twoweekspassed (8:55:11 PM): and we had to save france in wwII so no one liked france
Twoweekspassed (8:55:13 PM): EVEN more
Twoweekspassed (8:55:28 PM): wwII had to do with major reconstruction
Twoweekspassed (8:55:31 PM): economy shit the bed
Twoweekspassed (8:55:38 PM): everyone was scrambling to bury the dead
Twoweekspassed (8:55:46 PM): uneployment rates were up, inflation,
Twoweekspassed (8:55:47 PM): everythig
okay she said (8:56:06 PM): wwii is easy. wwi is easy
okay she said (8:56:10 PM): i hate napoleon
Twoweekspassed (8:56:23 PM): wtf did napoleon do besides make an ice cream with 2 good flavors
Twoweekspassed (8:56:25 PM): and one shitty one
Twoweekspassed (8:56:52 PM): wait no that was neopolitan
okay she said (8:57:02 PM): hahaha
okay she said (8:57:04 PM): oh justin
Twoweekspassed (8:58:04 PM): but honestly, what are you majoring in?
Twoweekspassed (8:58:19 PM): and what the fuck was the great war
okay she said (8:58:22 PM): ENGLISH
okay she said (8:58:24 PM): wwi
Twoweekspassed (8:58:28 PM): that wasn't so great
Twoweekspassed (8:58:38 PM): we fucked up decades of gooks in wwII
okay she said (8:58:44 PM): oh god
Twoweekspassed (8:58:52 PM): firebombs worse than the atom bomb
Twoweekspassed (8:59:13 PM): and nuclear kids
Twoweekspassed (8:59:22 PM): no wonder whyt hey are so smart and have small penises
okay she said (8:59:29 PM): hahaha
Twoweekspassed (9:02:25 PM): i mean you're like mad smart anyway
Twoweekspassed (9:02:28 PM): so what are you worried about
okay she said (9:02:36 PM): not with history. player, please
Twoweekspassed (9:02:43 PM): yea history isn't my shit either
Twoweekspassed (9:02:51 PM): i wrote a paper about how umm
Twoweekspassed (9:02:58 PM): that president going into wwII was handicapped
okay she said (9:02:59 PM): well i have all as in that class actually
Twoweekspassed (9:03:02 PM): because i didn't know about it
okay she said (9:03:09 PM): haha
okay she said (9:03:36 PM): i wrote about the definition of freedom in liberty according to edmund burke and thomas paine
okay she said (9:03:45 PM): two political european writers.
okay she said (9:03:49 PM): and it was 10 pages
Twoweekspassed (9:03:53 PM): didn't thomas paine say free beer and free bitche
Twoweekspassed (9:03:53 PM): s
Twoweekspassed (9:04:01 PM): that or was it about the free market economy?
okay she said (9:04:01 PM): haha. essentially
Twoweekspassed (9:04:05 PM): or was that someone else?
okay she said (9:04:15 PM): i think free market was adam smith
Twoweekspassed (9:04:24 PM): whatever they were all chill dudes
okay she said (9:04:31 PM): yeah
Twoweekspassed (9:04:37 PM): but lincoln
Twoweekspassed (9:04:41 PM): now that guy was genius
Twoweekspassed (9:04:47 PM): he wanted the south to get rid of their slaves
Twoweekspassed (9:04:50 PM): but he had some of his own
Twoweekspassed (9:04:55 PM): never shit a shitter


LaffIrish (1:44:25 AM): hello???? aree you awake??]

Auto response from okay she said (1:44:26 AM): if you ever said you miss me

then don't say you never lied.

LaffIrish (1:44:26 AM): wanke you!
LaffIrish (1:44:33 AM): i didn';t lie i swear
okay she said (9:46:20 AM): CAREY ANN
okay she said (9:46:28 AM): what is wanke you! mean?
okay she said (9:46:37 AM): and what did you not lie about?
LaffIrish (9:47:01 AM): hmmmm those are some good questions
okay she said (9:47:05 AM): ahahahaha
LaffIrish (9:47:22 AM): i think it was wake up cause i was bored...and the lieing had to do w/ your away message
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