Obviously, the world needs an explanation on why I am so deeply in love with Motion City Soundtrack. You’re in luck I guess because it’s not like I EVER feel like explaining myself. Here ya go. (I dont really care if you dont understand anything...)
-Justin and me are very similar.
-He sees things the same way I do, how he sees the world, and how the world sees him. It’s nice to know that you’re not the only one who thinks certain thoughts.
-Every song gives me chills because of the way I relate to them :)
-The music fits perfectly with every song.
-Justin Pierre is highly attractive in my book. Highly.
-I don’t feel like explaining anymore. I’m just going to list certain lyrics that I loooove. (in order* starting with back to the beat. duh.) ...some just for fun, some because they’re me... Enjoi :)
-“ill be back with my superman action and im off to save the world”
-“how she hates to be alone”
-“we fail at everything we ever even try to attempt”
-“safe is just a state of mind”
-“i cant complain if i dont know how”
-“ive got so much to talk about, but… I dont wanna let you down.”
-“im all wasted conversations in the corner of an empty room”
-“with accidents youll never know what could have been”
-“someday i fear i will be rescued from the boredom line”
-“and drunk on your parents favorite wine”
-“all the things i remember, were they worth writing down”
-“i believe in medication and i believe in therapy, and i believe in crystal light cause i believe in me”
-“you say youll burn this city down with stars and stripes”
-“head first in the shallow end i apologize if i do not care”
-“very im so halloween”
-“but i just hate to say goodbye to all the metaphors and lies that have taken me years to come up with”
-“are you feeling fine? yes, i feel just fine”
-“head for the hills the kitchens on fire”
-“the least you could do is take it back all the vicious remarks and verbal attacks”
-“it just sickens them what i consider fun”
-“i know what youre thinking, this probably sounds rehearsed”
-“did this party of two have you slightly confused”
-“liquids powders and pills not quite taken against my will”
-“and we feel like rain”
-“how it got so cold that words just froze we had to wait till summer to find out what was said, one of the best times that we had”
-“i wanna know how it feels to be useful and pertinent and have common sense”
-“im addicted to words and theyre useless”
-“im afraid im alone and entirely useless”
-“i cannot let you inside my cell for fear ill sink the ship and drag us both down”
-“frank fails to see the humor in my sad attempts at break dancing in every bar along lyndale avenue”
-“this must be it. welcome to the new year”
-“i am often interrupted or completely ignored but most of all im bored. im trying to find out if my words have any meaning, lackluster and full of contempts when it always ends the same. why wont you listen to me. why did i come, oh why did i come here. these humans all suck id rather be home feeling violent and lonely. im not trying to sound so insincere but the postcard thats taped to the freezer reads wish you were here”
-“hangman its not your fault. commit this to memory, the bright ideas always get lost along the way”
-“theres not a lot that i feel obliged to share or talk about”
-“this may sound bad and dont take it the wrong way… i love you, however, you hold me down”
-“youre the echoes of my everything youre the emptiness the whole world sings at night. youre the laziness of afternoon youre the reason why i burst and why I bloom. how will i break the news to you”
-“youre the metaphors i cant create to comprehend this curse that i call love”
-“i want to start a new life with myyyyy valuable hunting knife”
-“sometimes the colors of my words upset the colors in your head”
-“take a look at my new toy, itll blow your head in two, oh boy”
this is justins all time fav. mucis video... scroll down to watch savory :)