Well...this is kinda spur of the moment. But I was on lj on another username...I never use the hotmail account it's linked to anymore, and I felt like a change. Because I'm in a new place! I've moved for the 3rd time in 3 years haha...this time to Århus, Denmark. Ah, Erasmus. Always been planning to do something like it, finally did, and it's great. Actually arrived 3rd of August, and have been doing an EILC...an intesive Danish course since. But proper lectures start on monday... Just picked up my new bike and rode it home, got horribly lost haha. Will go out again tomorrow.
Lets have a bit of an introduction, shall we?
Age: 20
Location: Århus, Denmark.
Family: Parents and brother at home in Wales, two older sisters...one in interning in Austria and the other starting a Physics PhD in London in October. Brother is starting a BSc Physics in London in October too.
Boyfriend? Yep. Evan, he'll be 25 in October. He's from Michigan, USA and is there til October when he's moving to Oxford to do a Masters in Classical Archaeology. We met in Romania, June 08.
That's me, will write again soon. My friend just sent me this picture...isn't it the cutest thing??