bend and not break.

Apr 22, 2009 03:06

im happy that no one reads my livejournal because i can write what im actually feeling.

im really fucking SICK OF SHIT.
im sick of feeling worthless every single fucking day.
im sick of being lazy.
im sick of being fat.
im sick of not taking care of my body so it wont fail me when im older.
im sick of being so uncomfortable with myself that i dont even want to leave the house.
im sick of people thinking they know everything when they dont.
im sick of keeping my mouth shut.
im sick of having dreams but not fulfilling them because i dont think im good enough.
im sick of having dreams but not fulfilling them because i am too lazy.
im sick of having dreams but not fulfilling them because i cant handle any more rejection.
im sick of people arguing with me when they dont even know what they are talking about.
im sick of being disrespected.
im sick of being over qualified for shitty retail jobs yet never being hired.
im sick of being 25 years old.
im sick of wanting what i cant have.
im sick of giving up on what i want so easily.
im sick of having to avoid my parents because they annoy me about my SHITTY LIFE.
im sick of being pissed constantly.
im sick of not having anything to look forward to.
im sick of literally hating every day.

i miss the days when making friends was easy.
i miss the days when i actually liked going places and doing things.
i miss the days when i really wanted them to just last forever instead of being thankful for each day being over.
i miss the days when i was an extrovert instead of an introvert.
i miss the days when i cared about my appearance.
i miss the days when showering wasnt a chore.
i miss the days when i felt people actually enjoyed my existence instead of it being a chore to be my friend.
i miss the days when i didnt think my life was pathetic and that someone more deserving should be utilizing the oxygen i waste.

i miss the days when i was kileen elizabeth oberle.
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