(no subject)

Feb 26, 2005 18:58

sam gay is a funny girl....i was bored and got her to IM john patrick amedori from butterfly effect....(hes beautiful)...this is how it went..or this is how our convo went

callmegay007: whats the kids sn
Squirelsgonwild: lol think3274 just be like whose this
Squirelsgonwild: haah im such a queer
callmegay007: callmegay007: hey, you were on my buddy list but i don't know who it is.. sorry
Squirelsgonwild: nice
Squirelsgonwild: haha
callmegay007: haha im so gay dude
Squirelsgonwild: its ok lol i love it
callmegay007: callmegay007: oh, dont be weirded out by the sn... im not actually gay
callmegay007: my last name is gay
callmegay007: not in the sense that it's stupid, but it really is "gay"
Squirelsgonwild: LMAO
callmegay007: hahaha
Squirelsgonwild: god sam that is so awesome
callmegay007: hahaha
callmegay007: Think3274: who is this?
callmegay007: sam
callmegay007: ... sam gay
callmegay007: lol
callmegay007: hahahahahaha
Squirelsgonwild: did you put that?
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007: hahahah yeah
Squirelsgonwild: yesssss
callmegay007: hahah
Squirelsgonwild: hahah what an ass hes not saying anything
callmegay007: Think3274: form where?
callmegay007: miami
Squirelsgonwild: yay he talks
callmegay007: hahaha
Squirelsgonwild: lol im so completely listening to the retroactive music station...its like 80s greatness
callmegay007: Think3274: do i know you?
callmegay007: not sure...
callmegay007: you were on my buddy list and forgot who it was so i was just checking
callmegay007: dude, reggae is much better
Squirelsgonwild: dude channel 432 heck yes...its on my favorites
callmegay007: hahaha
callmegay007: Think3274: well ive never been to miami and your name doesnt sound familiar thats weird that im on your list
callmegay007: haha yeah
callmegay007: callmegay007: it's okay--i think my parents goal in life was to see how many people would make fun of me throughout the course of my existance and so they named me that
callmegay007: my dad might have insured you...
callmegay007: he works for lloyds of london and started AIG and things of the sort
Squirelsgonwild: lmao
callmegay007: Think3274: doesnt ring a bell sorry
Squirelsgonwild: ask his name
callmegay007: i am
Squirelsgonwild: be like whats your name bitcccchh
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007: hahahah
callmegay007: callmegay007: alright...
callmegay007: who is this
Think3274: john
callmegay007: john?
callmegay007: Think3274: yep john
callmegay007: thats it
callmegay007: dude this kids sn is awful
Squirelsgonwild: holy shit its him
callmegay007: its so gay
callmegay007: hahaha
callmegay007: whats his last name
Squirelsgonwild: amedori
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007: hahaha
Squirelsgonwild: hes hot tho
callmegay007: is he italian?
Squirelsgonwild: loook
callmegay007: haha okay
Squirelsgonwild wants to directly connect.
callmegay007 is now directly connected.
++++++++INSERT PICTURE HERE++++++++++
callmegay007: Think3274: john
callmegay007: john?
Think3274: yep john
callmegay007: thats it
callmegay007: ?
Think3274: amedori
callmegay007: callmegay007: okay yeah, i have no idea who you are
Squirelsgonwild: TALK TO HIM lol
Squirelsgonwild: be friends
Squirelsgonwild: shit
callmegay007: Think3274: sweet
callmegay007: haha
callmegay007: hes so hot!!!
callmegay007: jesus
Squirelsgonwild: i know!
Squirelsgonwild: ask him where hes from
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007: should i just tell him youre a stalker
Squirelsgonwild: idk
Squirelsgonwild: NO
Squirelsgonwild: please dont
callmegay007: hahahaha
Squirelsgonwild: iw ill cry
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007: im going to
Squirelsgonwild: SAM
Squirelsgonwild: NO
callmegay007: hahahah
callmegay007: okay sheesh woman
Squirelsgonwild: lol
Squirelsgonwild: damn
callmegay007: this guy is gorgeous
Squirelsgonwild: i know
callmegay007: callmegay007: so where are you from
Think3274: maryland
callmegay007: sweet
callmegay007: i have friends from baltimore... or well she lives in caroline county
callmegay007: im sooooo gay
callmegay007: sooo gay
Squirelsgonwild: lol you are my hero
callmegay007: hahah
Squirelsgonwild: my friend destin told me he was gay today
callmegay007: is he gay?
Squirelsgonwild: yep
Squirelsgonwild: he came out of the closet
callmegay007: hahah
callmegay007: no wonder my sn freaks him out
callmegay007: hahahahaha
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007: whooops
Squirelsgonwild: hes gorgeous
Squirelsgonwild: what
Squirelsgonwild: dont woops
Squirelsgonwild: shit
callmegay007: hahaha
Squirelsgonwild: sam!
callmegay007: what
Squirelsgonwild: whyd you whoops?
callmegay007: i was whoopsing the fact that hes gay and my sn is like callmegay
Squirelsgonwild: oh
Squirelsgonwild: lol
Squirelsgonwild: haha
callmegay007: hahah
callmegay007: he signed off
callmegay007: or blocked me
callmegay007: 1 of the 2
Squirelsgonwild: he signed off...bitch...did he even say bye?
Squirelsgonwild: god
callmegay007: no
callmegay007: hahah
callmegay007: fucking celebritys
callmegay007: i cant spell that word
callmegay007: at all
Squirelsgonwild: just be like look i just want you kids ok?
callmegay007: celeberties
Squirelsgonwild: bitch
callmegay007: fuck
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007: i dk
Squirelsgonwild: hahahahhaahh
callmegay007: hahaha
callmegay007: i dont know... it sounds so gay if i use the word celebs but i cant spell it out correctly
Squirelsgonwild: yea
callmegay007: haha
Squirelsgonwild: spell it wrong....celebs...sounds like birthcontrol
callmegay007: hahahaha
callmegay007: douchebag
callmegay007: i g2g
callmegay007: ill ttyl
Squirelsgonwild: k peas kneegrow
callmegay007: hahahaha
callmegay007: you sound like my friend caroline
callmegay007 direct connection is closed.
Squirelsgonwild: lol
callmegay007 signed off at 6:57:48 PM.

haha i am SO gay how fun?
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