MOCK T WAS AWESOME THIS WEEKEND! So many fun new memories (lil peter cotton tail, the guy in the black shirt, Breakfast Club esque moments, meeting a special friend, etc.) Check out my awesome photos @ I think we did really well cause we went against the team that got 2nd place 3rd round. But we still don't know our final standing. And Joe was especially awesome even though he only had one day to learn to replace doug (who was very ill). I did end up getting pretty sick though cause my special mocky t buddy, moravia, and I partied it up on saturday night with a marathon of mock t dancing, hot tub orgies, prowling the halls for a party, more dancing, and staying up really late.
THE COLLEGE QUEST IS GOING GREAT! So far I have been accept to UCLA, UCD, UCSD, UCSC, UCSB, Cal Poly, and Lewis and Clark College. I'm still waiting to hear from some big ones though (Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Scripps, Reed, Stanford, and Cal). Right now I'm leaning towards UCLA though. I really like the campus and my major (International Development Studies) is small so I would actually get to know the people in my classes. I think I could survive with the yuppies in So. Cal.
Wow. This is like the longest lj entry I've ever written.