[ooc: but i don't wanna kick the other kid's butts!]

Jan 10, 2010 01:26

o3O oh hey. I felt like adding some of my irl stuff here, just in case you feel the overwhelming desire to stalk befriend me outside of NA. :'> no harm in that, right~?

anyway... my name is Olivia. all pretty and Greek and whatnot~. my irl journal is sodiscomposing . Feel free to add me, as long as you let me know who you are here somehow. I enjoy making new friends.

REGARDING MY AGE, just in case you're curious... I'm 15. yes, your very favorite risqué perverted Frenchman is played by a high school first-year (Freshman for all you cool American kids like me). Trust me, I can handle the France. I've been doing worse since the tender age of 13. ;3

now now, Hetalia.. all I really need to say is that I've been into it for about a year now. My main rp is Japan, but I've done a WHOLE bunch of others.. Germany, Prussia, China, America, Sweden, Poland, Belarus, Hungary, HRE... yeaaah. This comm is actually the first opportunity to play France, and I love it already. c:

I don't... really know what else to say... so if you have a question, feel free to ask, whether it regards Hetalia, another fandom, or my life in general. Also, sorry if this is spamming your inbox or something (even though I only have a few of you added... a-ahahah). ;;

À tout à l'heure! ♥


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