large update

Jan 31, 2005 18:18

finally, things are definitely looking up. after spending the past few months down in the dumps for no actual legit reason, just because i could, today i decided that all the happiness i once held in my heart is finally returning. it may be the 2 hours i got to spend with kelly, because, as some of you know, she's pretty good at blowing the old clouds of gloom away. it may be the 6 shots of espresso she fed me also. it may be that as i rode through the town of brookline i ran into several people in a very short period of time, which totally made me feel at home for the first time since this summer. i once again really like where i'm at in life, and i'm definitely really excited about the future.

joey's in santa fe, and that's definitely a bummer. i mean, daniel's been home ever since he got back, so its not like i've been alone all the time, and also its been AMAZING hanging out with him again. but i still miss joey, and also feel bad for him, cause i know santa fe can totally drag people down sometimes. he'll be back soon though.

i cleared the table at 822 pokernight, bringing home a wopping 6 bucks, but it still made me feel pretty awesome. its still cold out, but its definitely on the upswing, and now that i got a new bike its definitely been hard not to spend every second of daylight i have not on the damn thing.

i got burn collectors number 12 and number 13. today. i'm a few pages into 12 and i'm pretty pumped on it already.

tonight's dinner at grasshopper with the whole crew, its hueys last night in town, which sucks cause i didn't hang out with him NEARLY enough. i barely know the guy in fact, but he's definitely on the right side of things and i wish, well, you know the story.

i think about going to college constantly lately. i'm thinking probably community college for a semester or two and then trying to get into brown. which is tough, i know, but i'm confident i will have the motivation to work hard enough to do it, and that's all that i've been lacking before.

Get Awesomer! fest is finally starting to come together, which is making me REALLY excited also. i've kinda been in a cave the past few months, as far as doing things that make me and others happy, and i think this is going to pull me out of it.

i miss so many people, and i wish 2 certain people would get their shit together and move out here. its very feasible for either of them to do so, i wish they would realize that. i miss so many people and am TERRIBLE at staying in touch with so many of them, i wish i was better at that. also i've been thinking about the get awesome! crew a lot lately and i wish that we could all be together again, hopefully that'll happen soon, at GAr!, but who knows. i think that's it.

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