to don't

Apr 29, 2009 08:34

To Don't List:

1. Eat in bed. Especially Doritos. Especially Late Night flavored Doritos. That's just sad.
2. Mindless internet surfing. Like Facebook. I honestly have no reason to have a facebook. The only good it's done me is to confirm my suspicions that attending my cousin's wedding reception would be the lamest thing ever. Thanks Facebook for those damning photographs of half-drunk relatives in a conga line.
3. Wait to pay bills. I linger in case some rich anonymous donor figures out I'm awesome and chooses to endow me.
4. Save the dirty dishes for another day. I've become really bad about/good at this. Maybe because it is something I would never have gotten away with as a child. I grew up with an obsessive-compulsive mother. She would actually dump out our toys after we'd cleaned our room if everything wasn't perfectly put away. She's gotten a lot better, but I dread visiting her for a long period of time. The longer I stay, the more likely she'll have a crazy moment.
5. Buy random shit from the grocery store, Amazon, or Target. And this includes food. Like Late Night Doritos I end up eating in bed.

My mother would be so proud.
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