7й Минифест в Вильнюсе

Nov 01, 2013 14:43

Друзья из Вильнюса вновь приглашают всех на Минифестиваль по Контактной Импровизации.

Целая неделя импровизации, контактного танца, джемов и перформансов. а также глубоких погружений и исследований!


до11го ноября - 40 EUR
до 25го ноября - 50 EUR
после - 60 EUR

Расписание фестиваля


Более полная информация еще готовится, следите за новостями здесь

Контактная инфа:

+4915780269288, +370 613 57997 (Julija)

Minifestival is coming soon again!
Welcome back or come for the 1st time! ♥

It’s an international cozy event with 40-60 participant with the main idea - to create the space for gathering and connecting contact dancers and teachers from neighborhood around Lithuania and Baltics.

On 29th of November - 1st of December welcome to our beautiful capital Vilnius!

We will have a nice long week-end full of improvisations, contact dances, performances, jams, live music, spontaneity and happiness.

This year we will continue the theme of exploration and collaboration together. So be ready for rich classes, study labs and Jams! We are sure that our young CI communities are ready to discover and explore new ways in learning together. At this festival we are going to invite some experienced CI and performance teachers and dancers who will share their experience in classes and help us to facilitate the study labs.

We are going to start from the present moment and follow our recent interests, inquires and question in CI/performance. Come to meet, share and support, inspire and enjoy (contact, improvisation, performance, neighbours, new people, unknown, ideas).
Join us in creating this wonderful experience together!

Fee for participation: with an early submission of registration form (see below) and a deposit of 10 EUR paid:
by 11th of November - 40 EUR
by 25th of November - 50 EUR
later - 60 EUR (or anytime if you want o be a supporter of our festival!)

10% discount for students and participants of previous Minifestivals!
Group discount is possible as well, please contact us.

Venue: Lindyhop studio, Saltoniškių g. 29/ Sėlių g. 3

новости, фестиваль, дом ветра, ки

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