(no subject)

Dec 18, 2007 11:07

For the record, no: much as he would like to be, he isn't unflappable. He just does a pretty damn good impression of it.

There are definite limits, however, to how far you can fake enthusiasm -- especially to yourself. Sylar has meticulously cleansed himself of any hint of pen or plaster, but he can't do the same with the sheer frustration, on top of self-pity, on top of self-loathing, on top of a new gnawing... he can only describe it as being hungry, easy to ignore until a full roasted dinner is waved under your nose and snatched away again. How can you concentrate on tiny cogs and gears in a state like that?

It doesn't help that Darla, currently, isn't here. The piano sits slightly forlornly at one side of the room, and the broken not-rhythm won't let there be silence, juddering scraping ticks insinuating themselves into the quiet like an encroaching army of horrors converging on a dying candle flame. This house! He doesn't know why he deigns to come back. It sets his teeth on edge at best.


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