
Dec 13, 2006 03:12


Where am I? This doesn't look like Japan at all! It doesn't look like my apartment or the daycare or anyplace! I...don't know what happened. But I was there and now I'm here and here is definately not there and and and and- @@;

But this room is really nice...it has a really big bed! Not that I don't appreciate the futon I was given, but still, it's such a nice room. I'm surprised! ...Ah, but this room probably belongs to someone and I really shouldn't be trespassing, but I just sort of...showed up here. Poof! O.O

This room is really very nice, but I really need to go home. They need me at the nursery school, especially Sayaka-sensei and all of the children! There's Fujimoto-kun there too...and IORYOGI-SAN OH NO. O_O



...No, he's definately not with me. Oh no oh no, he's probably stuck pretending to be a stuffed animal somewhere. That's not good! He'd probably yell at me and say "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID, DOBATO! >O" That's not even my name...T_T

So I really, really need to be going...somehow. @@; Does anyone know where...here...is? o.o;

first post, nursery school, guy-san, seimei-san, matt-san, fujimoto-kun, ritsuka-san, ioryogi-san, sayaka-sensei, sabin-san

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