
Feb 05, 2007 22:52

Kagura-san, Kagura-san! I made missing posters for Sadaharu-san! 8D

I'll go look for him some more! Maybe he got away from his kidnapper and wandered to the kitchen for a little snack! Or maybe he wanted to go for a swim in the pool, or maybe he's outside somewhere! =O I'll look really really hard for Sadaharu-san! X3

[ooc: It's supposed to be really bad, yes. Poor girl can't draw at all (sort of like how I can't use paint. *COUGH*) but she's trying real hard. It should read "Please come home, Sadaharu-san! If found, bring him to Kagura-san, please! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" She's been distributing flyers everywhere and pushing them under people's doors and sticking them to the walls and such. X3;]

terrible artist, katsura-san, elizabeth-san, okita-san, kagura-san, find sadaharu-san!, vexen-san, gintoki-san, luxord-san

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