
Oct 17, 2007 23:54


Where am I? This doesn't look like Japan at all! It doesn't look like my apartment or the daycare or anyplace! I...don't know what happened. But I was there and now I'm here and here is definitely not there and and and and- @@;

But this room is really nice...it has a really big bed! Not that I don't appreciate the futon I was given, but still, it's such a nice room. I'm surprised! ...Ah, but this room probably belongs to someone and I really shouldn't be trespassing, but I just sort of...showed up here. Poof! O.O

This room is really very nice, but I really need to go home. They need me at the nursery school, especially Sayaka-sensei and all of the children! There's Fujimoto-kun there too...and IORYOGI-SAN OH NO. O_O



...No, he's definitely not with me. Oh no oh no, he's probably stuck pretending to be a stuffed animal somewhere. That's not good! He'd probably yell at me and say "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID, DOBATO! >O" That's not even my name...T_T

So I really, really need to be going...somehow. @@; Does anyone know where...here...is? o.o;

[ooc: Does this look familiar~? Well. To some people it might. This is the first post Kobato ever made. Kobato really likes being inside Mansion-san, and everyone inside of it is very precious to her except Walter, so her lost memory is her memories of being in Wonderland. She'll act as though she has never been here before in her life and if you know her, she'll act like she's never met you before. :<]

first post, fujimoto-kun, event, lost memories, ioryogi-san, sayaka-sensei

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