Jun 04, 2007 12:40
Good day.
I don't post often, not because I do not have much to tell, but rather because the events of my life are so time consuming that they prevent me from writing about them. I suppose this is only partially true, seeing as I do a whole lot of nothing, but that nothing is perhaps more time consuming. I am incapable of eliminating it.
But I am writing now. So, read it or don't. I'm not the boss of you.
Since summer's commencement things have been progressing spledidly. All of the coils that constrict me during school time have been cut, and although they have been replaced in part by the immense reconstruction of ourhouse my mother is pioneering, still things are all the more peaceful. And I am grateful for this. The most noteworthy progression of this summer is that the album Kayla and I (Bridges, as some know us) have been working on is finally nearing completion. All the songs have been recorded, and thanks to contribution from Phillip Woodbury, Charlie and Chris Goodson, Matt Squires and Greg(I don't know his last name) it sounds better than I could have anticipated. All that's left is to cut out some bits of talking that are still surrounding the tracks, boost the vocals on one track, and mix a final one, and that's it. We're done. The entire album boasts 11 songs, and times at around 45 minutes, and is entiled Sea Around Us It's extremely exicting.
We'll be selling said album, hopefully by the time we perform at the American Mid-Fi (the record label we are currently signed to) fund raiser. I don't know the price yet, but I would imagine it will be for between five and seven dollars. Which really is fairly inexpensive. I would appreciate it if those who are even vaguely aquianted with Kayla and I and our music by a copy. Even if it's just out of philanthropy.
Other than that, summer has consisted of movies, friends, music, alchohol and the reading of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, by Dave Eggers. Which is brilliant, if remarkably pretentious.
I hope you all are having wonderful summers, and I hope if you have free time you'll attend the American Mid-fi fundraiser on 6/16. It's in the park by Grisham middle school.