My thoughts on the Twilight series, let me show you them.

Dec 02, 2008 02:29

Ok, so I'm so ashamed of myself, but ugh.

I love these books like cake and candy and yummy things that you know are horrible and wrong and bad for you but you can't stop.
It's like back when I was a pre-teen/teenager, til I was about 20, when I watched soaps with my mom. I know the acting and the stories are horrible and I know that if I pay too much attention I'll learn the wrong things but OM NOM NOM TWINKIES.

Of course there was a lot that tweaked my wrongness meter, the biggest being the imprinting, because OMG WHAT. Especially because I already knew going into it that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee and what imprinting meant but seeing it the way SMeyer describes it in the books is just like, OMFG NO ARE YOU JOKING. And the birth scene was like something out of the most awesome horror movie in existence. And of course there's the Mary and Marty Sue issues, which OF course Bella Swan doesn't have a personality, she's supposed to be the reader proxy, and I got that, and I felt that.

But these books appeal to the supernatural storytelling, soap opera loving, sappy romantic shit side of me. Absolutely. I am not ashamed, ok well maybe a little bit, to admit that I teared up when Edward and Bella got married. Because ok. I know a lot of people say that the kind of love Smeyer describes Edward and Bella having is unrealistic, but I know it's not, because I have that kind of love. Being without my husband, for the three months we were broken up last year? Was like being without oxygen. I completely and totally understood how Bella felt during New Moon. I get it. So I guess I have that advantage, in looking at these books.

So I don't know. All I know is that I barreled through the 4 books in like, 3 days, reading cleolinda's recaps along with the chapters, and really enjoying myself the whole time. I love these books. I'm reading Midnight Sun now, and it is so much more hilarious. And I'm reading Growing Up Cullen which is the best thing ever and makes me giggle like a MADWOMAN.

So, yeah. I suck cause I love them, but I also love snarking on them because I recognize the ridiculousness and the problems inherent in the books, but also I'm going to get caught up on the fandom although I'll never join ontd_twatlight because I did for like, 45 mins the other day and the spam nearly killed my flist and even trying to go through back entries nearly broke my fucking brain.

If you wanna yell at me or hate on me go ahead lol. I have no shame at this point.

I have a rant in me about tonight's Heroes and the character of Daphne and cerebral palsy, which obsessionful got a taste of earlier, but I don't know if I'll end up posting it. Suffice it to say CP DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT CHELSEA SMASH CHELSEA ANGRY CHELSEA VERY NEARLY DONE WITH STUPID SHOW.

twilight, chelsea gets insightful ohnoes, fandom, fangirling is an art, heroes

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