Icon makers on my flist!
Can you guys do me a huuuge favor? go through
this folder, pick out some good quality pictures (some of them were taken with our cell phone, so they're...pretty shitty) and make me some good icons? I don't want anything fancy, really, just maybe something with some sweet text and her birthdate on them (9-28-08, fyi). I'd do it myself, but I don't have Photoshop and frankly, I'm shit with graphics.
And if you're not an icon maker, go over there if you like and just look at the sweet pictures. She is so precious. Even when she's screaming her lungs out(and oh my lord can she scream) she's so sweet. She's such an easy baby, too. I mean, she's only two weeks old (today!), but she rarely gets fussy unless she's trying to communicate a need or some discomfort to us. Tonight she was fussy for a long while, but we gave her a bath and she passed right out. We are so lucky.
There was something else I was going to talk about...oh. right. Longer thoughts on Heroes. I'm all scatterbrained at the moment because of the medications I'm taking for the pain, for all the good that they do. But anyway. Yeah. Heroes. Ugh.
So..ugh. I don't even know, you guys. Like I said in my last post, buried at the bottom of all the baby stuff..when this show is good, it's fantastic. One of the best shows on TV, in my opinion. But this season..it feels like they don't know what they're doing. Like they're throwing things against the wall to see what sticks.
I really liked the first 3 episodes, I thought they were fantastic. I actually do like Ali Larter's new character, Tracey. She's interesting, and I like her power, and Ali continues to have great chemistry with Adrian. But this whole thing with her being a set of triplets, GIVEN their powers? And it looks like some of the other characters were injected with their powers as well? FUCK. THAT. It goes against what the show implied in the first season, that these powers were supernatural and/or spiritual abilities. "Great ability"? "Godsend"? That's what the helix symbol means (according to Ando). And now they're going in a completely different direction. I don't know how I feel about that.
I was disappointed in the way the Villains were wrapped up. Although since we see Knox in the future, I assume he'll be important. I mean, they were taken out like bitches. Sylar took out the only one besides Knox who was even VAGUELY interesting, although, granted, the only reason he was interesting was because he was Peter. But his power was pretty damn cool. But we were led to believe that this season was all about them, and they were taken back to the company within the first 4 episodes! LAAAAAME.
I HATED. HATED. HATED. That they had Peter kill Nathan in the future. His scenes with Gabriel (more on that in a minute) were AWESOME, then the writers had to go and RUIN it by having him slice open Nathan's head! WTF, WRITERS, WTF. Hasn't Nathan, as a character, been through enough? Not only has he died, TWICE,(I count the explosion and his injuries as a death, because fandom THOUGHT he was dead throughout the hiatus between seasons 1 and 2) but now he's...a born again Christian who sees dead people (LAAAAAAME) AND his brother kills him, AGAIN, in the future? UGH DO NOT WANT. I'm glad Future!Peter is gone, btw. I liked him, sure, but it was just really confusing and he was sort of a dick and so...NOT the Peter we know.
I DO like, no, LOVE Gabriel, and I love Sylar working with HRG. I'm so glad that the writers have finally acknowledged what fandom has been saying since 1x20, "The Hard Part", which is that Gabriel + Sylar? =/= one and the same. They are SO vastly different and I'm glad that it looks like Gabriel has redeemed himself, if only somewhat, in the future, and I felt SOOOOO terrible for him when Noah was killed. Zachary Quinto is still one of my favorite actors on the show. Amazing.
I don't have anything to say about Hiro's storyline. I do like Daphne, she's a good villain. I LOOOVED when she called him Pikachu, and the LOOK on Masi's face. His story is going to get so interesting on Monday, since he's dug Adam up. That scene made me squee with joy. I LOVE ADAM SO MUCH.
I like Matt and New!Isaac. He's funny and interesting and I want to know more about him. I do NOT like the idea of Matt and Daphne, for some reason. Probably the fact that it was SO out of nowhere. And when I saw the blonde in New!Isaac's painting, I was really really hoping it was Audrey. I loved Audrey.
I really loved the scene between Claire and her mother in ep 3. It was intense and so very well acted. Future!Claire, however, did absolutely nothing for me. I am almost completely apathetic towards her, beyond wondering what happened to make her as hard and cold and...awful as she is.
Angela continues to be awesome, no matter who she shares the screen with. Cristine Rose is one of my favorite actors in the entire show, and I am SO glad they made her a regular.
Aaaand I think that's it. I can't think of anything else, and I need to go to bed OMFG IT IS 6 AM WTF AM I STILL DOING UP THANK GOD FOR MY HUSBAND.
Once again, if you got through all of that, those that clicked beyond the cut... and even if you didn't, just in general...