Damn, I haven't updated in a while. I guess I've just been so wrapped up in trying to take care of myself and this new life so dependent on me that it's slipped by the wayside. So, in list form, (I blame you,
obsessionful and
lessthangreat :P ) an update:
1. I was supposed to go to Florida on Feb 13th. I woke up that morning having what I can only describe as a panic attack. I've never experienced anything like that before in my life. It was scary. But I AM going, probably on March 19th if I can get a good cheap flight that day, maybe earlier, we'll see. I'll let everyone know.
2. Remember how I was saying that the nausea wasn't so bad this time around? Yeahh...that's a lie. This week there were 3 days that I couldn't keep any food down at all. Not saltines, not fruit, not liquids, NOTHING. It sucked so hard. I'm underweight as it is (when I got my pregnancy test done, the nurse weighed me at 98 lbs), despite my attempts to gain weight, even before I was pregnant, and I'm really worried that I won't be able to give this baby the nutrition it needs, if I can't even feed myself. When I had Gabe, I was 111 lbs. I want to weigh more than that this time, especially if it IS twins (which I still suspect is the case, I'm almost 2 months along and am already showing like I'm 4 or 5 months).
3. My laptop died...I wanna say last week, maybe the week before. Blue screened me and then dropped the operating system. But I have a friend coming to help me with it tomorrow (knock wood) so hopefully he'll be able to fix it.
4. I'm having a really hard time quitting smoking (cigarettes). It's not that I don't want to, because I realize the risks involved...it's just that even cutting down is AGONIZING. I really, really hate addiction.
5. Lost is fucking amazing. The Kate episode last week sucked, but they redeemed themselves hardcore with what will go down in history as one of my favorite episodes of the show, ever. Desmond/Penny OTP, man. I ship them like BURNING.
6. Idol...mehhh. I missed Hollywood week and never even SAW Josiah Lemming (I know,
expatiates, I KNOW!!) but tuned in when the semi's started. And man, let me tell you. The girls do NOTHING for me this year. It's absolutely a boys year. David Cook ♥ OMFG. He is amazing. So is Jason Castro. David Hernandez didn't impress me week 1, but redeemed himself this week. I wanted to like Robbie Carrico, I really did, but I see exactly what Simon was talking about (and if you want to disown me,
makemeabeliever, i won't hold it against you). He wasn't an authentic rocker, he was a pop boy trying on daddy's clothes to see how they would fit. And the wig, oh my lord, the wig. Not since Donald Trump has a hairpiece caused so much anguish in this little heart. Danny Noriega...who DOESN'T want a mini Danny to carry around in their pocket and be fierce all the time?? I love him. I want to like Baby David, but the news that the Idol producers are already shopping for record labels and songwriters for him put the kibosh on that.
I have never wanted to see anybody crash and burn more than I want to see Carly Smithson crash and burn. This is supposed to be a contest for undiscovered talent, not "Oh, you had a record deal but your record sucked ass so you got dropped, even though your label spent tens of millions of dollars on promotion for you? Here, have a spot in our top 24 even though you CAN'T REALLY SING." *headdesk*
Does anyone else want to pet the skunk growing out of Amanda Overmyer's head? No? Just me then?
aaaand I think that's about it. I'll try to be around more, especially after my lappy gets fixed. I feel like I've been a bad friend and I'm sorry about that, guys. I ♥ you all ∞ .