Jun 07, 2004 04:57
I have come to realize that it is time to change. Anyone who knows me knows that change has never been my forte. None the less, it must happen. I find that I have become complacent in my day to day life. Long have I thought about how I let myself stay in this mind numbing loop that I despise. Mistakes, that is what it all comes down to. I have made so many. I have always prided myself on the fact that I have no fear. No fear of humans, beasts, illness or death. Recently I have come to know what it is i fear. Failure, I am afraid to fail. Over the years I have become stagnant, always taking the safe path avoiding anything risky. I hate what I have become. So I have decided to change, change everthing. No more will i be swept up in the current of the day to day. No longer will I let myself avoid possible opportunities or hide from social interactions, like i have done for so long. It is time to let loose the power the power that I have. It is time for me to use I have been given by my parents. I will remake myself, leave behind ancient baggage, and steadily move forward.