Oct 19, 2005 22:43
Guess what...?! I got ACCEPTED to Berklee. Half of me says like... peh, big deal, I've been planning on going for a long long time now, one way or another, and I still have to wait half a year until I'm even gonna move out there...
But now I know I'm AcTuAlLy going, and I finally know WHEN.
So yeah, it's kind of excitement in a way where it only excites me when I really think about how huge of a move that's gonna be to me.
Here are ways it's a huge move for me:
A) I'll be living a 22 hour train ride away from where I've lived my whole life.
B) I'll be quitting my job and having to get another over there pretty soon.
C) I'm going to have to make entirely new friends.
D) I'll either be living in an apartment or a dorm room... Most likely with strangers, even if it's an apartment.
E) I'll be going to college (duh)
F) I'm going to have to learn how to manage my own funds and take care of myself... do my own chores, not have someone to bum 20$'s off of no matter how bad I actually need it (or don't need it).
G) I'll barely ever (ever [EVER]) drive in cars anymore, and mostly travel by means of foot and subway.
H) Radio stations will change (lol running out of ideas)
But yeah. Then there are cool things too, like I'll be getting a nice laptop, hopefully with wireless internet or something sweet... at the least it will be hooked up for recording, Berklee makes sure of that.
Anyway you guys probably don't care all to much, and those who do will more than likely comment.
I really don't even know who "you guys" is. Quite a few people tell me they read my journal whom I wouldn't expect to... I know Roi does sometimes, Adam, Bethany, Cassie but I'm not sure how often, Mizy, Ashley, Nick Nesler sometimes I think, Matt... there's a good amount of you. Maybe Devbo. Good enough for me. I don't write in this thing for myself lol.
So today, work was long and yet it went by fast... so... not complaining. We got a good 8 hours, I made 100$'s (woohoo! more then I expected).
Tommorow I have an even bigger job... so I'm more then likely gonna hafta call of band practice.
Awww dude okay... like a week ago my mom found a bag of weed... obviously from me.
I asked her if she found it a few days ago and she said yeah, and she didn't know if she wanted to give it back. I didn't really care, I thought it was kind of amusing to see how she reacted.
So later tonite me and Adam wanted to get some... couldn't find anywhere to buy, it was late on a weekday... So I got the genious idea to go up to my mom and offer to buy it from her lol. She was like "Well... are you and Adam gonna help us move on Saturday? And are you gonna help Friday, too?" I was like "yeah yeah sure..." and then she said something about "Well, you're gonna go out with that whole bag?? You're gonna get arrested! They'll arrest you if you have more then two joints." Well, I don't know what kind of joints my mom smoked, but it really wasn't that much at all lol. Somehow or another I talked her into it and she gave it to me.
Then we needed tinfoil so I went to Matts house and told his mom we were cooking chicken and ran out of tin foil. She was like "You swear that's what you're gonna use it for?" and I said, quite seriously, "Yeah." Then she went off about something, cooking "crank" using tinfoil and freezing it lol. I said "No, I'm not going to make crank..."
Duane got real frusterated at work today because the old lady we were working for kept getting in out way and shiz. She was really annoying lol but I talked to her quite a bit, she was semi-interesting and obviously lonely. I actually gave her my phone number, which was weird, she just TOLD me to write it down... but we're moving in a week or so anyway lol so I won't have to worry about it. Do you think that's mean? I think it's just thinking ahead lol.
So yeah, skipping around, me and Adam got somewhat high then came home and played guitar... We made up soemthing that sounds pretty sweet. In a folky acoustic kinda way.
The other day, I got pretty snappy at Mizy about something that probably shouldn't have bothered me, although I still think the reason was a valid reason and, for lack of a better term, it was wrong for her to do, and personally if she's not willing to give me that much I don't care if we ever talk again. I'd like to be friends but I need my respect and I need to just forget about things, whatever that may mean.
Considering I'm the one who has stared at her house 3 days a week since we broke up... the one who actually TRIED to be friends... the one who has "2-12-05- I love you, muah!" written next to my bed... That I didn't have friends to take the pictures off my walls for me... the one who didn't instantly latch onto some person of the opposite sex and become best friends over night... I think I did alright.
You might not know what the hell I mean but, if you're anyone you catch my drift.
And Mizy, if you read this, and it pisses you off, don't even bother, because I'm not going to.
And if I know you, that last line probably pissed you off if everything else didn't lol. But I'm always willing to give people benefit of the doubt and try looking at things differently, and if you're not pissed, hey, talk to me about it if you want.
And with that said, sayanara.