(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 01:05

Le fuck.

I'm SORE. I estimate that I walked 15 miles yesterday. And why? No good reason lol. Except maybe I don't have a car.

I've estimated that I can have a car for about 2-300$'s a month... and that's really not much... so I'm gonna try taking my road test soon... it would just be nice to have. I feel like a sell-out, though.

I've been hangin out with Matt alot lately. Been fun. We still get along good after being friends for... uhh... 10 years or so. More than half my life! lol.

Went to my aunt's wedding today. It was so cute! God weddings are cute. GOD. The piano player was totally just bullshitting though lol. He'd like, flip through a million pages, meanwhile just playing random scales really fast and sloppy... then he'd read like half a page of sheet music, mess up the tempo, go into more random scales, then start switching pages lol.

My feet stink. Something about black socks make my feet stink worse. Meh.

Went to the new house, tack-stripped the basement and painted the borders some. FUNNNN.

Overall, I've felt pretty shitty all day, but I feel okay now, and what matters is the present.
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