Mar 06, 2008 20:05
I'm so bored. And by bored I really mean I have two midterms tomorrow morning and am so tired of studying. I have a midterm in Zen Buddhism tomorrow which I should really be studying for since I have a C in that class--a C that I'm barely getting by with. I went to a study group session and knew everything so I feel okay. This midterm is all about Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism which are all things I've studied multiple times in so many different classes that it's basically just review. I'll just have to memorize some of the more difficult sanskrit words. Global Ethics I haven't even given a second thought to. I'm too unconcerned.
I had my Chinese midterm just an hour ago and I feel strangely confident. I knew she'd ask a lot of time questions but I just couldn't memorize all of the different periods in the day so I just remembered 下午 and 上午 (which means nothing to most of the people on my f-list) so I'll probably get points off there. Also, 你的大学生活,怎么样? is a question that I think I totally made up. It doesn't make sense. "Your college life, how about it?" Or something like that. I was supposed to translate "how is your college life?" I don't know. I studied my heart out for that midterm.
Tomorrow at six I'm going to Chesapeake Bay with one or two people from Global Ethics and I'll get back on campus about midnight. It'll be a really pointless, four hour car ride of a trip but we have to do it for our project. It's supposed to rain tomorrow night so I hope whoever drives is adept.
I started this book called nightswimmer which opened with a lot of promise but about 60 pages in I'm starting to lose interest. This is unfortunate because I feel like I should go ahead and finish it but then I feel like I'm wasting my time when I could be reading a different, great book. It's an easy read though so I might read it off and on.
On Monday I went to Maymont Park, not with Ashley but with my CP! She's soooo cute! Basically all we did was point at things and she'd teach me the Chinese name while I'd tell her the English one. Then we'd walk around saying things to one another like, "xiaoxi." "River." "Caodi." "Grass." and on and on until now I know every animal and thing of nature in Chinese. Then she gave me her iPod and let me pick out which Chinese artists I already knew and she gave me popular Chinese songs to listen to. Ahh haha I'm having way too much fun with this CP program.
Sometimes it's a little strange because I find myself speaking in her broken English so that she will understand faster but I think this is wrong. I think I should speak in proper English regardless of if she will understand it at first or not. But I'm not quite sure. It's really a strange situation.
These LJ entries of mine are getting too long and boring (not to mention too frequent) these days.
oh, and -- Christian won Project Runway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
conversational partner,