time for the festivities

Jan 23, 2009 10:29

fell asleep at like 10 last night while doing a practise test im so lousyyy ): but that totally shows how draining and taxing school has been... wow i haven't slept so early since forever?

k so finally school's out.. for the next 5 days or so. i can't wait for all the good food, new clothes, angpows that CNY's gonna bring oh my so exciting i feel like a kid once more :D ah but there's still this mountain high pile of work that's on my to do list why is my life so sad?! and CNY=must clear homework because there's this thing about how you shouldnt owe any homework/money or whatever or it'll be like that for the rest of the year. superstitions yes, but good to follow anyway

watched obama's inauguration speech yesterday (yes i know SLOW but eh have been swamped with work okayyy) and i thought it was good(: a few phrases struck me particularly and i especially like the one where he went we'll lend a helping hand if only you'll unclench your fists. awesomely put!

oh yay going to go shoe shopping with dad later cause mummy's too busy ): but oh dear i really hope i get something cause if not i'll stay at home for the rest of CNY i tell you!

k must do some SATs practise because SATs=tomorrow wth?!!
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