Public speaking musings

Jul 19, 2009 07:54

It's amazing how few people in fact bother structuring their speeches. I was listening to someone the other day and thinking: wow, the content is great; there are some profound thoughts in there, but I have no idea where you are leading me with your speech: no introduction, no indicators like firstly, secondly, no conclusion, no nothing! Just a flow of thoughts! This person kind'a lost me on minute 3 of the speech, and I was looking around and saw that many people actually disconnected as well.
What is it? Lack of respect to your listeners?
Lack of training?
It is funny that lots of people, who are supposed to be speaking for all their lives are actually doing that: teachers, professors, lawyers.
Rabbis also do that often. Yet rabbis is a totally different story: sometimes they go that up high, that I am left to wonder if they know their audience at all, or they are there to show off their knowledge of Talmud. I mean: don't they have students or family to show off? If nobody is able to follow, why waste your time on that at all?

just a thought, public speaking

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