Day 32: Corner
*photo is for those who asked for pictures of where I live.
This is were I spend most of my time when I'm at home -- the corner desk with my laptop plugged into the internet. There's a TV behind the laptop, which I only turn on in the mornings for ambient noise, time check, and a little bit of news.
The light is coming in from the kitchen which is only about three steps away. The house is quite tiny really, so I'm hard-pressed to find any good angles to take pictures of to show everyone.
I've been nursing a cold for the past week and today I just really needed to stay home instead of going to work to catch up on rest. Woke up around noon and tried cooking some arroz caldo. Something warm and comforting (in the way that it reminds you of home, rainy days and staying in) was definitely something I needed. To borrow that overused line -- it's like chicken soup for the soul.