(no subject)

Jun 10, 2007 21:05

Since I finally have a moment of quiet, I shall update.

We've been home from London for about a month, and since then, we've been pretty much going non-stop. All my weekends between London and peemonkey's wedding (July 28th) are booked up with something or other - some wedding stuff, some non-wedding stuff. My only free weekend is the weekend before her wedding, which is the weekend the final Harry Potter book comes out, so for all intents and purposes, I'm unavailable :).

Work is good. I did a whole whack of overtime before going away, and a lesser whack after I returned. It's the busy season for us, and once June 30th passes, it should be much more calm. I don't mind, I'm actually getting compensated for my overtime, so it's not so bad. Since J is downtown now, we can coordinate schedules much more easily, including grabbing a bite to eat to take on the train home, which gives back some of the evening we lost by working late. It's been really great to have him downtown with me. It's also great that I just hit my 6 month mark there, and had a "holy cow, 6 months already?" reaction, instead of a "Damn, only 6 months?!" reaction like I did with my last job.

Home is also good. We're constantly fighting a battle with the backyard, and I think we're losing. The more we pull up weeds, the worse it seems to get. And things just don't stop growing! It's very rude. We can't exactly dump weed killer into our backyard either, because we have a storm grate back there, so that lovely chemical crap would basically go directly into the sewer after the first rain. At least I got my flowers planted in the front yard (with some major help with my parents while J was gone to Ireland for work for a week). J and I are also trying to get the basement organized so that we can finish it, so that we can eventually move the office down there, and turn the current office into a future baby's room. Nothing on the horizon yet, but hopefully within the next year or two, the student loans will be paid off, the basement will be finished, and we can get going on starting a family!

J and I went for a walk the other day, and decided to infuse some jogging into it. It wasn't so bad. I really think I can do this jogging thing, but I'm not sure how it's going to work with J, since he's got a much bigger stride than me, and my jogging pace really slows him down. Maybe I'll get him to power walk while I jog :). We're also having a lot of trouble finding nights to do this, because almost every night has a valid reason why we can't go. Tonight, for example, he's at his mom's playing Magic with his brother. I suppose I could go out by myself, but I'm not entirely excited about walking/jogging by myself - firstly, I hate walking as it is, so I'd rather have company to force me to keep going, and secondly, I don't trust this neighbourhood at all anymore, and so I'd rather not be out by myself like that :P.

See? Nothing really exciting going on right now. Mostly stuff for peemonkey's wedding, which I can't talk about until after the shower, at least :).

house, health and fitness, steph wedding, work

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