Holy heck, I haven't written in LJ in almost a month. Well, well.
Nothing very exciting has been going on, that I can think of. Work still sucks enormously. Why am I still there, since J and I discussed that I can quit at any time post-cruise? I think mostly because I feel bad that I might make things much more financially difficult for the next while. In fact, I'm feeling like every time we come close to a financially better position, something happens where I make things difficult again. I'd love to have a job to go to instead of just quitting, obviously, but like my sister said the other day, why waste my time being miserable every day? Because miserable helps to pay the bills :P. At least there's progress on the Peel Board front - my references have been called, and now they're just waiting on an employee number in order to officially become a School Monitor. At that point, I'll be able to apply for internal jobs and maybe even get a job as a school admin. That would be good.
Eh. J tells me I should go to bed, instead of spending another 20 minutes writing an LJ post. I suppose he's right, I was quite tired today (thanks a lot, time change!). I still have things to talk about though. Eh. Tomorrow, maybe.
(to remember for tomorrow: renegotiating the morgage (and the audience yawns),
theheathen's visit from S. Korea, babies walking at 8.5 months old, babies dressed in adorable spring attire, DDR, and other things.)