Sick and tired

Jan 08, 2006 21:30


Kleenex must love me. I went through most of a big box this weekend. I hate being sick. Hopefully it'll pass seems to be moving from my head down into my lungs a bit, and honestly, I'd rather be coughing up a lung than blowing my brains out of my nose :P.

The nephew was over this weekend, and we introduced him to "LAN night". We brought our computers down onto the main floor and got everyone hooked up together (even my brother, who brought his laptop over - it was quite the fantastic little laptop for gaming, oddly, he ended up getting it free from his old boss, and lo and behold, it rocks), and then played Unreal Tournament and Starcraft until the wee hours of the morning. I think we went to bed at 1:30 on Friday night (sans brother, he came over on Saturday), and 3:00 on Saturday night. Very silly for someone who isn't sleeping well due to sick. Anyway, we had fun, at least. My brother was new to these games, being 48 he doesn't tend to play a ton of games...a bit of Doom and some Civ, and that's it. He was really getting into Starcraft (we play team against the computer), but seemed to be getting frustrated with Unreal Tournament. I think the controls were a little disorienting for him. I've always been mediocre with Unreal, but I surprised myself with Starcraft and my ability to not only hold my own, but to mount attacks against the computer without leaving myself vulnerable. [/geek]

I talked to Randstad on Friday. Earlier in the week my agent person had put my resume in for another position, somewhere way out of Toronto, but much closer to where J works (unfortunately not at all near the subway). On Friday she heard back, and was given some really great feedback on my resume. She should be hearing about whether they're interested in an interview on Monday. I hope that a) I get an interview, and b) it's at the end of the week so that I've hopefully recovered enough from my cold so as to not completely gross out the interviewer.

And now, to bed.

job search, health and fitness, family

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