Quick update...

Apr 04, 2005 12:49

There's not a whole lot going on right now. My back is finally feeling okay, most of the time, it feels a little stiff on occasion, but otherwise it's okay. We had my parents over for supper on Saturday, I made sausage and shrimp jambalaya in the crockpot, and it turned out quite yummily...sadly, I forgot to bring the leftovers for lunch today. We worked on the sibs' website as well, I had to recruit J since I ended up feeling like I was in way over my head. He got the basic formatting stuff taken care of, and I'm taking over from there. It's hard to admit the fact that you don't have the ninja skillz you thought you did. Well, I wouldn't go so far as ninja, but thought I was better at that than I am. Bleh.

We braved the hella crappy weather on Sunday and hit the mall for a bit of shopping. I split my tax return in half - the portion that came from my RRSP contributions became an RRSP contribution itself, and the other half was designated "treat yourself to some new clothing" money (besides the little bit that went toward debt). I bought casual sandals, since the soles on my current ones are splitting apart, 2 t-shirts from Old Navy (sale!), and a button down shirt for work from Old Navy as well. One of my new t-shirts is orange. This is a brave step for me, on the way to New Year's Resolution #6 (ahaha...I just noticed that I numbered my New Year's Resolution list in a really stupid way. Not only did I double up on #5 (as in, I have two #5's on my list), but I also doubled up on #3. I should add one - pay more attention :). Don't even bother looking, I've changed it :) ). Now to make sure I actually wear it.

Turning the clocks forward is hurting me a little bit. I only got 6 hours of sleep last night, and it was poor sleep, at that...combine that with my schedule being thrown off by an hour, and you have one tired Amy.

Everything else is pretty much the same. Work, home, family, etc. Same same same. Better than "worse worse worse", fo sho.

health and fitness, new year's resolutions, family

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