Babies, babies, everywhere...

Mar 28, 2005 12:31

I know 6 people who are having a baby this year - J's coworker's wife, my coworker (she was due over the weekend, so it's any time now!), my train friend, Brian's Christine (who is not the maid of honour Christine that I often talk about), my cousin's wife, and now kelayrel (who took the place of J's other coworker's wife, who had her baby almost two weeks ago, which had brought the number down to 5 for a moment). I think there might be another one, but I can't remember who.

The latest announcement, by kelayrel, has really made the "new life stage" thing hit home. It's starting to sink in now that our friends are at an age where they're starting families. Sure, there are still a few couples that haven't gotten married, but we've reached Baby! Twice! I think I'm still in denial. I mean, it's not like we're teenagers anymore, we're all in our mid to late 20's, a perfectly normal time to have babies. It just freaks me out a little, just like it started to freak me out that friends were getting married. We're actually aging, people! It blows my mind that time is passing so quickly. It sounds ridiculous, it's not like I'm 80, but still. I just can't believe time is flying by so fast.

Jen and Chris were the second couple in our social group to get married, and are the second couple to announce babydom (behind Brian and Christine, by just a few months). We've already been told that we're next, since we're the third couple to get married (11 months ago this Friday :) ). Not so much. I mean, I can't help but feel some pull to have children with all these babies flying about, but at the same time, the other half of my brain is just shaking its head - nono, now is just not a good time. And I know that. Eventually, there's no rush now. We have other things we want to accomplish first. So for now I'll just live vicariously through other people and buy many cute prezzies :).


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