Mar 24, 2009 11:32
Wow... what a sunday was expereinced by me on sunday... Not for any one event in particular, but because so many events happened that day...
I'll start with the beginning: Church. Yep, I still go to church. I'm part of the service band so I go and play music for the people who attend. It was a decent service and afterwards I got to enjoy a couple date squares that were part of the snack bar ^^ Nummy :)
After that I took the game of RE5 that I had rented back to the shop and went home.
When I got home, my brother was there ^^ and since it was around lunchtime, we descided to go to town to get lunch for the family. So we headed out to town and got some foodstuffs before dropping onf of Jonathan's friends off
Just out of their driveway the muffler dropped again and started dragging, fortunately, the father of said little brother's friend came out with a coathanger and now that's the only thing helping my muffler fight gravity... gonna have to take the car in for servicing, anyways so I'll get that fixed
We had to stop by the home depo for a moment to get a shoerack on the way home and when we went there who should we happen to bump into but our stepmom ^^ We were very happy to see eachother and it made for a nice addition to the day.
So, delayed but still good, we take the food home and have something to eat before my mum asks my brother to take the garbage out. He agrees and when he comes back he reports that there was an oppossum in the driveshed that gave him one heck of an evil look. When I asked him what kind of evil look, he said "Kinda like a dark wizard evil look". So... blame the wizards...
I thought it'd be a smart idea to put on a pair of thick (and I mean really thick) gardening gloves and just go out and move it by hand. Steve had a better idea, so taking a rope and looping it through a broomhandel he made a noose thing similar to the ones they use to contain wily dogs. So with gloves and makeshift harness in (and on) hand we went out to the shed and sitting on a shelf was the possum.
This possum... DIDN'T MOVE. Seriously... he just moved the rope carefully over to it and secured it. The possum got a little angry at that but bescides a few twitches and bearing its fangs it really didn't do anything. So, in order to properly carry the thing we had to put it onto a shovel and witht eh combined action of the snare and the shovel we took it over to the house for everyone to see and I also got a couple pictures. (I also poked it with a stick, seriously, the thing didn't move for anything) After that we took it to the edge of the property and went inside where it finally un-died and went on its marry way into the forest. Yay possem ^^
After that little adventure my brother and I went to the workshop and began work on his popsicle stick bridge. Together we actually managed to make some pretty descent progress with it and made a few sides before it was time for me to get ready to go to another church and perform the counterpoint service there as well. It went well for he most part save for right at the end when I had a bit of a small solo... my Octive key stopped working at peak capacity and my notes started to botch up some. It was rather embarassing but it was over quickly. After the service was done I helped load up the keyboard into the truck before heading home.
Once home my mum informed me that my dog's not going to be long for this world. She's trying to get me accustomed to her dying but honestly I don't think it's going to go over very well when it happens... makes me sad...
And then I looked over what I have to do for this week: I have to prepare for 2 presentations, get an executive summary done and a term paper. After that, I have one last paper to do but it's not going to be hard in the slightest so if anyone in London would like to hang out next weekend I'd love to come visit ^^