Nov 27, 2008 00:24
So, here it is... the last week of the fall term of my 4th year in University...
It's not so bad.
Granted I've got a fair bit to do/overcome this week, however, it's nicely spread throughout the week so I can more than handle it ^^
Done so far:
-Completed slides for a presentation
-Completed a 4 page essay
-Completed a 3 page essay
To do still:
-In class exam
-Give presentation
-Another essay
Thursday's pretty much my big day with the exam and everything but tuesday was no pushover since I had to put in a solid 6 hours of computer time to get that big essay done, but now it's done and in less than 20 hours I'll be done my test and from then on it'll be fairly smooth sailing.
Classes also end on Monday for me, so if anyone wants to do anything throughout the week I'll be available and I'll be more than happy to hang out ^^
Anywho, class starts at 8:30 so I'd better get to bed... big day tomorrow