Moore's beard, this picture! I just, whoa, was all "Yay, Jackie. Hmm, cool, nice corset----HOLYCRAPWHEREDOIGETONE!!?"
Check it out for yourselves - is it not the most fabulous outfit you have ever seen?
And just a random observation, but isn't it strange how the hands always show the age? I mean
here* it's all Hello, gorgeous! and it's not like he's unattractive in that first image, but, y'know, skeletor fingers n'all, JEH, I still love you.
*get that frakking Jam-faux-ican vampire out of there - he's messing up the shot!
In related news:
Hell, do you think it will sell out? Do you think I should pre-order (if it's not too late)? Or shall I just be a creepy creeper and lurk outside JB HiFi from 5am and make sure I'm the first one in the door?
Problem is, I'm still trying to decide between
this lovely shiny looking thing and
this one that is possible too much like a, hurm, blow-up something you'd buy at a fangirls adult nerd superstore.I also can't figure out whether these are the Director's Cut versions with the theatrical version digital-copy! RRAAARRL.