"You shouldn't play with knives."

Apr 19, 2009 15:53

To keep my grand tradition of foolish crushes on big dumb guys alive - and it really has been a bit stagnant recently - I think I need to see this. Like, last year. ZOMG.

image Click to view

I remember slavering over the trailers at the time but it somehow escaped the clutches of my hot little hands - but since watching The Mist (highly recommended - even if only for Toby Jones in a apron, d'awww! And such *classic* Thomas Jane b'zuh? looks as this) last week my Lout!Crush has reignited and what better way to celebrate than with lots of explosions (explosions, Erin, will you watch it with me?), tank tops, dyed black hair and nail polish to match, leather trenches (oh yeah), and big damn guns biceps-ohmygod heroes? *hugs broadband*

general fanciery, cinema, crotchery

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