Sunday Mom and I were hanging out around the house after having gone to go see Prince Caspian. She flipped on PBS and there was a show on called "
BizKids". This episode of it was all about Ethics. Watching it made me nearly cry. I've been reading all the stories on and the one question that keeps coming up in my head is this: Yes, these customers are rude and annoying, but how often is it not just the customers but also the business people? It goes both ways. The same people who complain about their customers are often also the ones who turn around and be the same when they are the customer.
One thing on that BizKids that was reassuring was a small experiment they did at various colleges. They had a pair of people, one was watching and took notes, the other pretended to drop their wallet. They were trying to see what the reaction would do. A lot of people simply didn't notice, but of those who did, most actually returned the wallet without even looking at the contents. Those who did keep the wallet also didn't even look at it, they simply walked off with it. Overall it didn't matter what was in the wallet. People either took it or they didn't.
Even then, what is it about all those people who just refuse to take responsibility for their actions? Who refuse to have any kind of ethics at all? I'm not just talking about the families who have been on welfare for generations (yes, some people in my hometown have been on it for probably 3-4 generations now, maybe more), but the businesses who make money simply to make more money.
60 Minutes yesterday had an interview with John Bon Jovi. I've always been impressed with his music and style, very different from most other bands in that it was more uplifting and not as hateful. After watching this interview I wish this country had more people like him. He's invested in a pro football team and pretty much uses the profits (what little they are) to turn around and help out his city, not sit on them.
The big thing on everyone's mind is the gas and oil companies. They are raking in all this profit... but what are they DOING with it? Have you ever noticed that most the time the money that these super rich people and companies seems to continue to stay at the top? Think about it, they bit luxury items which go to people who are pretty much already rich, most of them keeping their people either in the poor house or in the life of minor luxury. You don't see those people going down to best buy and paying for blue collar paychecks.
Even then, MOST of their money goes into banks, who then use that money to give out loans to the not so rich and famous there by creating even more debt.
I wish to god we could get rid of the entire credit card system. It can be used for good things, especially emergency needs, but so many people simply don't know how to manage their money. They live beyond their means. The whole "must have it now" attitude. Why can't people understand that for those expensive fun items they need to save up money THEN buy them. Not buy it now and pay it off later.
I know I'm going all over the place, but this is more a stream of thought than anything.
Guess I'm done ranting for now.