Before heading up here I know I brought this up, but I'm bringing it up again.
As things are wrapping up around up here, I've been looking at the calendar and going over things. I think I'll be heading out of here around the first weekend of June. My plan is to head down to Columbia City, IN first and spend a few days with my sister's family. The next major destination I have is Memphis where I plan on spending a few days with my friends
synamontwist and
ladyalexis. After Memphis, I'm thinking of swinging down to Jackson, MS to visit
rhast and the rest of the folk in that area before heading back across 20 to Atlanta and home.
So, anyone along that route, no matter how far off the beaten track, want a wandering geek goddess to stop in? Doesn't have to be overnight, can just be to meet for food or sit down and hang out for a while. I'm really hoping there is SOMEONE along that route from Indianapolis to Memphis. It's a long route through NOTHING. SPEAK UP NOW! please...
UPDATE: Well, just checked the map and looks like after fort wayne I could head down to nashville and have an easier drive and only ad 30 miles and maybe a half hour drive time.