Right now
tatianamik is visiting. She's working up in Ft. Oglthorp (sp) now and came down here to sign the lease on their house, get the keys, and sign up for the water bill. I don't know what it is about Cobb Water that they have so many issues doing -anything- electronically. They move in on the 12th of April (which I already posted about
here). So, another goodie to come home to. Not only will my floors be done, but the girls will be here. We might also have a new LCD TV. You know, if the floors ARE done, I'd almost say maybe we can have a 'welcome home' party. Maybe not the day I get back, since I'm gonna want some major
Quu snugglin and snogging before any socializing. AAAANNNNNDD, if I'm really really lucky.. I'll be bringing home a Wii along with my new car (have I mentioned that yet?). While up there I'm going to check around to see if they might have a better supply, but I'm getting the feeling that it's going to have to wait till I get home and take a LOT of work.
Work to get a Wii you ask? Well, apparently what it will take is getting up at like 10am, calling all the gamestops within a 20 mile radius to see if they got a shipment in, if so, rushing over to buy one before anyone else. I am NOT buying one off ebay. Apparently gamestop sells out within an hour of opening when they DO get a shipment in. I bet it is the same with all the Walmarts, Targets, Best Buys, etc. It will have to wait till I get back since then I'll actually have a car of my own (did I mention that yet?).
Since I can't seem to find it anywhere in my journal, I'll go ahead and mention it here. Pardon me if this is double posting.
So, yes.. I'm getting my own car. How? Why? Well, for starters, my mom works for a
cheese factory up in Michigan as their Office Manager/Bookkeeper/Company Mother. Through a series of events I will not cite here, the company now has a leased 2008 Honda Civic that they have no use for. After much thought, they decided to try and find someone to take over the lease. The first one asked, and apparently the ones preferred by the general manager, was Quu and I. The two of us went over it all, our finances, etc, asked a few questions about the lease, and then decided it would be a good thing. We've been talking about now for some time about getting me my own car, though I was thinking more along the lines of a tiny used truck with a cap (not the camper thing, just the hard cap over the back). Our current civic is about to be completely paid off as well as Quu's yearly salary increase will more than cover the monthly payments. Yes, it's a lease, but it has 12k miles a year and we can turn it in to a honda dealer down here. Because it has to stay in pristine shape, this will be primarily used for me going short trips around town, which is what we're looking for anyway. So, all the papers have been signed, it's already on our insurance, and I've got a one way ticket to Michigan for April 2.
Er.. that reminds me, Have I told y'all that my mom is having her second knee surgery on April 8? Well.. ahhh.. I just did. So yea, I'm heading up there April 2 and will be staying up there as long as I need, probably a minimum of two months. It might go quicker this time around because this isn't her driving knee. We'll see. Anyway, once it's time to come home, I'll just be driving. Long ass trip, but.. enh.
Ok, if you're a friend of mine or Quu and wouldn't mind a visitor sometime in.... oh.. late may through late june (maybe) please feel free to speak up! I dunno when or what route I'm going to be taking, but part of me really wants to find a few friends along the way to stop and say hi to, maybe crash for the night to break up this hideous trip. Currently I'm contemplating swinging through memphis to see my friends there. Technically it will make my trip longer, but.. It would be nice to see them. The route I took before went through Illinois and then Missouri, but if folks are elsewhere along that trip but through a different way I'll be willing to see how to make it in. If it breaks it up, I'd be all the happier.
Yea, I wanna get home ASAP, but.. I don't want to drive all that way straight through. I hate to say it, but I'm not as young as I used to be. *ducks the obvious stones being thrown* More meaning that I can't go on as little sleep as I used to. Six to eight hours seems about my max drive tolerance.
So anyway, if you wouldn't mind me dropping in, lemme know.