the DAEDALUS PROJECT: MMORPG Research, Cyberculture, MMORPG Psychology If you've not heard of it, this is probably one of my favorite psychology surveys I've ever seen. Why? Because the guy who's doing this isn't making grand assumptions. He tells you the tendencies, points out that there are those who don't go with the generalities, and overall does very very good research. I highly suggest you fill out the surveys that apply to you (like right now there is one for kids and people with kids, so don't fill it out if you don't fit in), give him your email address and then whenever there is a new survey up (he emails you), go fill it out. Best part is to go and then read all the articles he's written about the information he's received from the surveys. My current favorite is "
Our Virtual Bodies, Ourselves?" Really does seem to explain why there is such a rift between play styles of the horde and alliance in WoW.