Jul 17, 2006 12:29
Ok, people who have been around me have in the last year or two have heard me ask on several occasions - was the world always in such a terrible condition or has it actually gotten worse during our lifetimes (which is a fairly short time period so far)? I mean, seriously now, yes, I believe greed and corruption and whatnot have existed since who knows when, and yes, those are things that you only really begin to notice as you grow older. But take a look at the world today...natural disasters galore - earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes. Global warming anyone? What was up with our 12+ inches of rain in June, a month that historically has had an average of 4 inches in our area? And then of course, there is the more pressing issue of all the international disputes...Iraq on the brink of civil war, North Korea and their missile threats, Israel and Lebanon (and Hezbollah, Syria, Iran), terrorist attacks in several different countries (US, England, Spain, India...and I'm sure I missed some)...and then when you think about the alliances (or the disputes) each of the countries I named with other countries...well. Anyone see WWIII coming up here?
LOL, me and a few of my NU friends would periodically say the world is going to end, half-jokingly (at least in my case). But seriously, these are the ways the world could end: (1) WWIII / nuclear warfare / ugliness like that - just humans destroying their own, (2) Global warming - we all get flooded, (3) Out of no where an asteroid hits us (lol, it happened to the dinosaurs, it could happen to us), (4) we run out of all our natural resources and just wither away, (5) bird flu / West Nile / some plague type thing, (6) all the insects/bacteria/whatever adapt to become immune to all our pesticides/antibiotics and life is bad. I'm sure you can come up with several other ways, lol.
Not like I'm doing anything to help any of this situations. I mean, not like I can call Israeli/Lebanese/Hezbollah leaders and tell them to stop fighting or something (LMAO), but I could you know...use the Metro or something. But then I run the risk of getting dry humped by large unattractive men. I'm just sitting here and criticizing the state of things. *shrug* I don't see this changing any time soon...really just commenting on my state of disillusionment with life and the world and whatnot...
Just a thought...according to Hinduism, there are these periods of times known as Yugas. I don't know exactly how long a Yuga is...thousands of years? Anyway, we are supposed to be Kali Yuga right now, an age where mankind has sunk into greed, deception, selfishness, you get the idea. This Yuga is going to end in a sort of apocalyptic way, with Kalki, a dark Muslim man wielding a sword and riding white horse going through a flooded world, killing all the evil people.
Not sure how to react to that - my mom told me that years ago, and I kept it in mind, but it used to seem ridiculous. Maybe not anymore. So I'll go with the amused smile and an 'lol' and end this already long post.