Jun 07, 2005 15:23
No people... I did not hit mrs sprague accross the face... our hands hit when I flailed them upward in disgust. She didnt flinch nor did she cry in pain over it.
Ok so Monday Night, after a long discussion with my dad about grades and responsibility I realize I dont have my calculator... its not that I left it anywhere its I have NO idea where it is. I dont really lose things and thus this means theres probably a 75% someone stole it. I am freaking out... I tell my parents I dont have it... dad explodes... much yelling... crying in despair etc... IT SUCKED ASS. Ok so... we go to our family friends the rozensweigs and borrow Alyssas Calculator, a Collegebound MATH major... She has random theories and stuff computed into her calculator and various equations for BC Calc. (not the class I'm taking...) My parents still royally pissed at my actions take me home and send me to bed... all in all one of the WORST days of my LIFE. So I go into class only intent on using MCQUAD... I have no idea what the rest of the stuff is at ALL. So at about the 7th question Sprague comes over takes my calc asks... "Who's alyssa" I say my neighbor. She erases the entire memory and moves on... I'm in shock, a calculator that isnt mine, is a good friend of mine, shes GOING TO FUCKING COLLEGE SOON! all her information from calc is gone... she had easily 30 sets of notes/equations on there. I ask her if I can have a calculator with quad on it. She answers in a surprised tone "no" as if I wasnt going to ask that. She couldve easily erased everything BUT quad but shes a lazy bitch! She even erased all of Wasim's Calculator because he had one offending program... what a bitch. at this point I'm livid... I cant do half the problems well without quad... I'm not a fast computator, I cant do the quadratic equation for half the problems and STILL finish the test i time. I take a long time factoring etc... I'm not very fast. I SEE two graphing calculators on her desk, (the ones she has there everyday) and she is clearly refusing to give them to me. At this point I start muttering under my breath and she asks me what I said... I'm almost in tears now, all this anquish over a fucking calculator and I finally get one with the LEGAL program I can use to finish it and Its gone, my friend is gonna be royally pissed and It looks really really bad to her parents (my parents' best friends)This is right during the exam... I need to do well... my dad said I'm not coming back next year if I dont... All the pressure of math exams are on me... So I snap, I tell her that shes "The worst fucking teacher I have ever had in my Fucking life!" "I cannot fucking believe you are doing this to me!" As i do that I flail my hands in the air in disgust and it hits her hand. A limp wristed hand knocks her hand no more than an inch away and she intereperets it as assault. She yells "YOU DONT EVER STRIKE A TEACHER" I say i didnt, she send me in the hall and I tell her "I fucking hope you get fired." All in all I explain my story to the mr Shilling and he understands, allowing me to only be suspended and retake all the exams I missed. I explained to him about the test she gave me with a question written wrongly and even though I made up the missing pieces and then solved it she graded it as it wasnt there taking my average of 75/100 as 65/90 thats about a 3% less difference. Shes a math teacher and I had to explain that to her. I explained the test that she made me take in the first possible day I could when I missed 3 days... I wasnt ready and I had two more days to take it but it had to be NOW. And then andy kughn got a 2 and a half week period in which to take another test when he only missed the first day. About the time I took a vacation in November missed 2 days and then she said "If you take one more vacation this year thatll be it!" When i hadnt missed a day of class up till then. About the test that she gave me as a makup and how we had it reviewed by two math teachers that were clients of my fathers and they said it was about 2x harder than the one she gave the class. About the time she made me shave my face and cut a nice scar into my beautiful visage, and about the time she took off full credit on a question where only the answer was wrong... all the work leading up to it was right. So all in all folks im suspended the first two days next year... thats about it... besides the fact I cant go to cedar point because I'm taking my math final on Friday. Yeah this sucks... But Atleast now you know that I didnt flip because she just erased my calulator... It was alot more than that. I dont care if she cried her fucking eyes out for the next 2 years, the 2 hours she spent sobbing hardly makes up for my grade. See ya'll bitches in summer school.