Feb 02, 2011 00:01
AND I've forgot to update on here yet again...I do have another blog, it's entirely about Remus-I started it when we got him-and I'm not sucking quite so bad at consistency on that blog, but I still forget to post as much as I used to. Cool things that have happened lately? One of my calls made the news :) Both TV and newspaper headlines. We had a crazy night Friday, Leslie had the first shooting (to the head) and then Randy and I got the second one hours later (to the chest). They think they're unrelated, but add that to a soldier getting shot that night in the arm while driving and speculation was wild. That was the same night I had a crackhead Stroke out in my ambulance. It was a very satisfying, productive night. I love when I actually get to DO my job, as opposed to ferrying idiots to the ED waiting room.
Brian graduates Friday! WOOHOO! That means he'll be a Sgt finally (E5) AND he'll finally be in some sort of "normal" military life. For the first time since he's enlisted he'll be with a real unit...and we get a pay raise! Actually, looking over taxes, I make more base pay then he does (as a specialist), he makes more overall than me due to BAH and BAS and Jump Pay and Language Pay and all that other stuff.
I'm going straight nights which means, in a sense, I get a pay raise too! Our pay has differentials for certain times, night pay gets $1.50 more (I think it's from 7p-7a), weekends get .50? .75? I don't remember...and then overtime is time and a half, and Holidays are double pay. Usually the pay period spans one week of days and one week of nights so to keep the pay from fluctuating. Well, now that I'm going straight nights, I'll always be making that differential pay :D It's roughly an extra $100 a pay period or $200 a month.
I don't hate my job quite as much right now, though the hours still suck. I LOVE nights and truly detest day shift, and hopefully now I'll be less tired since my sleep schedule will be consistent. Also, I'm getting a little more confident in my patient care so I don't feel anxious the entire shift. My new partner is a Basic but she's awesome so I can't wait to get our hands dirty.
Life is good, as always. I hate this month, but hey, it'll be over eventually :)