Mar 05, 2010 09:44
Yesterday, my alarm went of at 0555 like usual on class days and as I was laying in bed trying to think up a good enough reason not to go, I hear a bird whistle outside my window. A bird! I have not heard any birds (except the neurotic rooster with zero sense of time that lives somewhere near the apartment complex) since I dunno, November? October? I definitely havent heard any up early enough to welcome the dawn, I was so happy! I'm on the crocus hunt, though I don't know where to look for them down here since we don't exactly have a yard. I saw the geese flying south yesterday mid-morning as well. It's still cold down here, but it's March finally, so the darkest part of winter has passed hallelujah! AND Brian came home early last night and surprised me! (I wasn't expecting him till late tonight). I could get used to the Army letting him come home early....but I have no expectations that it'll happen again.
On a much sadder note, prayers for Layla are needed with renewed vigor. Her right lung collapsed yesterday and the tiny month old scrap of humanity is fighting desperatly for her life. I can't imagine how rough this time must be on her parents, so prayers all around. It's quite the rollarcoaster, they were so excited that she had made it a full month and regained her birthweight (1 lb 7oz), and made it through heart surgery, and now this.