head canon & misc. info

Jun 28, 2017 12:22


❀ she's a little bit embarrassed about the great beauty thing. she's half convinced it was a horrible joke. she knows she's not sophisticated and graceful or anything. she does know that she's adorable though.

❀ she jokingly calls Sun Ce her rival in love. she's aware that she is not the first in her husband's heart and she doesn't mind. it doesn't change the fact that he's the first in hers.

❀ she refers to Sun Ce as her brother since...she might as well, he's her brother-in-law due to her sister and her husband is his sworn brother. he's family.

❀ speaking of her husband she really wasn't in love with him when they got married. she was kind of in love with the concept of marrying him ( he really impressed her in the fight, okay ) but gradually fell in love with him as she watched him.

❀ she married when she was around 13/14 which wouldn't have been unusual in her time. and though it's not recorded whether or not Zhou Yu had his kids with her I'm just going to say...he did, since in DW verse there is not another woman in sight for him to have kids with. so she has 3 kids, the oldest is around 9 years old.

❀ yes, she did catcha panda for her and Zhou Yu :| she's also kept horses from when she was quite young. she's pretty good with animals, they tend to like her.

❀ PRETTY GOOD ALCOHOL TOLERANCE. you'd never know it looking at her but she can drink the average man under the table, she's got practice.

❀ /steals tea ceremonies from Red Cliff!Xiao Qiao. she's actually good at those, it's about the only thing that involves sitting still that she's good at. that said other womanly skills like cooking and sewing...not so much. dancing is another matter, she's good at that.

❀ she's a good swimmer and is decently adept with boating as well given the area that Wu is located in


✭ Wu dialect "is often subjectively judged to be soft, light, and flowing." obviously she would not speak modern Wu dialect when speaking Chinese but that is what it'd most closely resemble I guess :|a

✭ Chang Jiang ➡ Yangtze River; given her time period she would not recognise the second name.

✭ courtesy names, primarily used with males. if available she will probably use courtesy names to address people or by surname. ( she is confused with western names dude. she'll just use whatever name you use first and tack on an honorific by default. )

✭ honourifics...chinese honourifics are a pain in the ass to translate. defaulted to Master or Lord/Lady unless I figure something else out.

✭ traditional age system: children are born at 1 year old, not zero. A person adds a year to their age every lunar new year. so if anyone ever gets Xiao Qiao to tell them her actual age she will say 25, not 24.

✭ ETC...
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