School.... the thought is scary. Lol. I just ordered a new fuel valve for my dirtbike today, and I'll be picking it up on Friday, so my bike should be ready by next weekend. I'm gonna ride it all I can before school starts. I know I'll have barely any time to ride it once school starts again. I'm gonna take it up to Will's and have fun w/ it there. Yay! I still need to go shopping for clothes. I'm taking my friend shopping on Saturday and I'll get what I can then, but I'll probably have to go later in the week to get more clothes. Anyways, my dad is toying w/ the idea of buying a boat. Personally, I think he's nuts. The idea is nuts. We're never gonna use it. Thank goodness we're selling our trailer. But I told my dad he should use the money to buy a boat instead on my car. But NO I'm gonna get my mom's VW Passat hatchback. Good gosh, I don't wanna drive that thing. Yeah it's a nice car, reliable, great on gas, and since it's a VW, my insurance will probably be lower cuz VW's are good cars. But it's UGLY! You-Gee-El-Why! Oh well. Lol. When I get the money, I'll buy a better ride. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't a hatchback. Oh well. Lol. At least I'm gonna be driving. That makes me happy. Oh yeah, I have this wicked new site up. Check it out sometime! It's perty cool. Well, I'm gonna go. L8er all.
p.s. I'm glad we're finally getting some rain. Brown grass is not appealing....