Jul 14, 2007 20:15

Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes, thoughts, and prayers.

Joe and I left for Chicago about three on Monday morning 7/2 and got to the hospital in plenty of time. He was called back right away to change and be prepped. One after another, his surgery team came and checked in and by 7:30am, Joe was being taken into surgery.
I went into the waiting room, and for the next several hours read, napped and chatted with two very nice women.
At 1pm, I was called to the desk and given his room number.
He was not in his room yet but I took his clothes and my stuff up there anyway, then went to make a few phone calls while they got Joe settled.
His surgery went very well and aside from having a scratchy throat, Joe said he felt okay. His incision was sealed with the surgical glue and had no dressing on it. The team in the critical care unit who looked after Joe from that point on was awesome!

Bright and early the next morning (Tuesday 7/3) Dr. Vitello checked in and Joe told him that he felt like he had done too many sit ups, but otherwise felt good. No nausea so far, so the doctor gave the go ahead for some ice chips. Joe was thrilled because of his dry throat. I left to have my consultation with the doctor and while I was gone, Joe got his clear liquid tray. He had a few sips of juice and it settled well. His incision looked good and he was in a good mood. The pain medication was probably a partial factor ;o)
Tuesday afternoon they moved him into a private room. Once he was settled, the nursing staff all but disappeared. It was a damn good thing I had stayed, or Joe would have been SOL. His night was less than desirable but it had nothing to do with his surgery. He was uncomfortable in the bed and there were no chairs large enough to accommodate him. You would think that a hospital, which does the number of surgeries such as his, that it does, would be a little more prepared. By Wednesday morning 7/4, Joe was a miserable prick. But not as a direct result of the surgery. When the first doctor came in and made the mistake of asking Joe how he was doing, he jumped into his ass with both feet.
OF course, it would have to get a little more interesting at this point. I was getting ready to leave, because I had to drive from Chicago to Decatur for a private 4th of July show that Legends was doing. Now remember, I had not been out of the hospital since 6:30 Monday morning, so when I got to the parking garage attached to the hospital where our truck was parked, imagine my surprise and frustration when I found everything locked up. You would have thought it was some kind of Holiday. :o) Things did not improve when I tried to get some help. The first person answered my questions with stupidity, and the second person told me he could not help me until after 8am, which was over 30 minutes away. As I was trying not to completely lose my cool as I told him this was unacceptable, some little female security guard with a bad attitude decided to put her two cents in. She is lucky I did not knock her ass into next week. I was already in a crabby mood from no sleep, no food, and unhappy with the ‘care’ Joe was receiving. I was definitely in no mood for her mouth.
When I finally made my way back to Joe’s room, his discharge papers were being finalized. How is this you ask? Well, he plainly told his doctor that if he were going to be miserable in the hospital, he would just as soon be miserable at home. Plus at home, he had a place to sit. Also, because I had to leave anyway, it would be more convenient for everyone. Therefore, they checked his progress and agreed to let him go. Joe was successful in his intake of liquids with no nausea or vomiting, he was peeing and farting, his vitals were all great, and the incision looked nice. So, at 10am Wednesday morning, less than 48 hours after having Gastric Bypass surgery, Joe walked out of the hospital, got into the truck (which yes I had gotten out of the parking garage) and we were on our way out of a Chicago. Four hours later, I delivered him to his mother’s house and took off so that I could start the BluesMobile, grab my gear and go to work,
It is now day three post op and Joe is still doing well. A little bruising around his incision, but no seeping. He has no drain tubes, no visible stitches, and no dressing/bandages to be changed. He has had some good rest in his oversized recliner. The swelling in his feet has gone down about half. He is still peeing and farting as he should, and he is taking his clear liquids - small amounts over a period of time. Joe overdid things a bit Thursday by helping load the truck, but he learned his lesson.
All in all this has been a really good experience. When it I my turn I hope that I am as fortunate. And while there are a handful of useless individuals on staff at UIC, there were many more incredible nurses and doctors (including the med students) that made a lasting impression.
Today is Friday. I finally got some food, some sleep and a shower, so I feel a little more human. This afternoon we are getting Dane from his grandparents and bringing him home. I know the first time Dane sees his Dad using the urinal he will want one too. LOL

Thank you again to everyone for your interest and concern.
I will keep you posted with Joe’s progress.

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