Sep 10, 2004 17:54
Hey, how yall doing in this world? so after all these storms hit florida, and my aunt lives down their with my cousins, they are all good. No destruction to their house. Uhm, yesterday i had to read my speech for drama society vice president. Cuz i was running. I was running against arlyne, yes, arlyne, and yes i did lose. O, nick lardes also ran, but i new from the minute arlyne said she was gonna run, she was gonna win, because shes not a dirty mexican like me. Im just disappointed in myself, because i probably couldve gotten out there and done more shit to win. But its just a title.... right? then why am i letting it eat me up. I dunno, im just to stupid about this shit. Arlyne is just everybodys sweetheart, and just everyone would vote for her. And they probably did. WTF, why am i so distraught about this. Back to yesterday, i hung out with arthur, and we talked about Nirvana, and mostly Kurt Kobain, wish he was still alive. We just chilled the night. tonight i was suppose to get drunk off my ass, but i can reach the people i was suppose to with. uhm, yea, i plan on still helping the society out with everything. Just right now, i feel down. Maybe, i will just hang out with some people tonight. thats about it. No feelings of Uppity. Talk to yall biaches later. Sh... nevermind, i cant even shabam. Its so worthless.